

 ドイツ・ドレスデンにてピアノソロリサイタル、R.シューマン ピアノ協奏曲でピアニストとしてデビューする。音楽学者マティアス・ヘアマン教授とベートーヴェン、ピアノ曲の解釈を深めるドイツザクセン州ベートーヴェンプロジェクトに参加、選抜によりドイツ国立医療コンサートホールにて“若いマチネーコンサート”に出演。帰国後東京・いずみホールにて、帰国記念ソロリサイタルを開催。カワイ表参道パウゼ、ドイツDelitzsch Barock城、Delitzsch Buergerhaus、Dresden Aulaホールにてピアノソロリサイタルに出演。これまでに日本音楽クラシックコンクール好演賞受賞、第2回万里の長城杯国際コンクール第2位(第1位なし)受賞、など他多数入賞。ラ・フォル・ジュルネ・オ・ジャポン・エリアコンサートに出演。R.シューマン、C.シューマン、A.アレンスキー、A.イェンゼンのピアノ解説、校訂を手がけた楽譜が、株式会社プリズムより出版される。岡山大学コンサート“芸術都市ドレスデンと音楽創造の歴史”にゲストとして招かれ賛助出演する。アメリカ・カリフォルニア州アーバインヴァレー大学にゲストアーティストとして招待されIrvine Performing Arts Centerにてデュオ・リサイタルに出演。韓国釜山芸術文化会館、DaejeongArts Center、ドイツGrosswoelkau教会、オーストラリアMelbourne Recital Centre、エストニアTartu St.John's教会、Viljandi St.John's教会、Uelenurme音楽学校、Elva市庁舎にてコンサートに出演。又オーストラリア3SBM ラジオ番組に出演する。


 日本を拠点にドイツ、イギリス、エストニア、アメリカ合衆国、オーストラリア、韓国にてソロと室内楽の演奏活動を広げる。Steinway Teacher & Educational Partner

[カイザー音楽研究所,  Kaiser Institute,  Kaiser-Musik-Institut]  


Maki ONO

  Born in Tokyo. Maki ONO attended music junior high school, music high school and graduated from Music College at Kunitachi College of Music in Tokyo. She graduated from Music College Carl Maria von Weber Dresden with Diplom Pianist and Master’s degree (Aubaustudium) in Germany. She passed Konzertexamen in Germany. She has studied with Shima Horie, Minoru Igarashi and Prof. Detlef Kaiser. During study in Germany, she got to know European culture, history and art. She learned reverence and love for music and to play truly and heartily.

  She won the public prize at the Japanese Music Competiton, and also won the second prize at the Chinese Wall International Competition. And many prizes at competitions and auditions. She joined Beethoven Project in Sachsen, Germany and performed Sonata Op.31-2 ”Tempest” of Beethoven at National Medical Chamber Concerthall.She took the master course under Prof.Fabio Bidini in Cagliari, Italy. She took the master course under Prof. Christopher Elton in Dresden as scholarship by DAAD.

  She performed her solo recital in Germany. After returning to Japan she made her debut solo recital at Izumi Hall at Tokyo in April in 2008. She was invited as a solist at The Barock Castle and Buergerhaus at the church Grosswoelkau at Delitzsch by Delitzsch Lions Club in Germany. She performed Solorecital at Kawai Omotesando Concert hall at Tokyo in Japan, at Aula Hall at Dresden. She was invited as a guest artist by Okayama University. She performed at Haeunde Bunka Kaikan at Busan, Daejeong Arts Centre, Korea. She was invited as a guest artist by Irvine Valley College in USA. She performed at St. John’s Church, Viljandi. At St. John’s Church, Tartu. At Olustvere Castle. At Music School, Uelenurme. At the City Hall, Elva in Estonia. She perormed with the great violinist of Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, Mr. Isin Cakmakcioglu at NY., Tokyo and Melbourne in Australia. She performed with Singers, Violinists and many chamber concerts. She edits music notes of R.Schumann, C. Schumann, A.Arensky and A.Jensen and will publication music note from Prythm.

 Now she lives in Tokyo and performs at the Concerts in Japan, Korea, Europe, Australia and USA.

Steinway Teacher & Educational Partner.